I look forward to my long walks on the weekend because I usually follow the same route. Today was no exception as I did my 8 mile trek. A little more than a mile into the course (and again at mile 7.5 today), I round this one particular curve in the path and come across this...

and every time I think what a beautiful place for pictures and I would imagine the kids running around under the canopy of the trees on the incredible green grass. Well, today I had Gary meet me with the kids at the end of my walk and we did just that.

And if I do say so myself, today's photos didn't disappoint. They turned out exactly like I pictured in my mind.

They didn't stay still for very long at all, but it was long enough to get this picture, which happens to be one of my new favorites.

Mason took the time to teach Reese how to blow on a dandelion, but doesn't quite understand about the making a wish part first.

So now when I walk past this particular spot I won't have to imagine the kids running around under the trees anymore.

It was such a beautiful day!
What a fun time! How is the training going?