So it is night 5 I believe of Reese sleeping upstairs in her crib in her room. Here is the night by night replay:
Friday night: I slept in the guestroom next to hers waiting for any sound. By 1am I was tired of going back in to give her the pacifier so I took her downstairs and put her in the co-sleeper. She slept 5 hours there.
Saturday night: I slept downstairs. She woke up 3 times. Gary went up twice and I fed her once and fell asleep in her recliner for 3 hours then brought her downstairs at 5:30 to finish sleeping.
Sunday night: She fell asleep on me and then I put her in her bed at 9 and she woke up every 15-30 minutes for me to put her pacifier in until she was out for good at 10:30. She woke up at 3:15 to eat, I fed her, slept with her in the recliner for 1 hour, put her back down and then she didn't wake until 7.
Monday night: She cried for about 5 minutes then I went back upstairs, put her pacifier in at 8:30 and she did not wake up until 5:30. Of course she was wide awake after I fed her.
Tuesday night (tonight): She cried for about 5 minutes and FOUND HER PACIFIER BY HERSELF! She fell asleep all by herself, it's worth repeating, if you knew how our first child was (didn't sleep through the night or put himself to sleep until well after 9 months). I'll let you know later how the entire night went.
Can I just say we are thrilled with this progress!