Friday, December 26, 2008

Back to "Normal"

It is amazing to me how easily Reese went back to her "normal" sleeping pattern after being so sick all week long. Like I said earlier, Reese started feeling bad on Friday last week and every night since then we slept with her in the recliner in her room. Every night Gary and I took shifts sleeping with her inclined, suctioned her, medicated her, and just cuddled her, and for every nap too. So it came as a complete shock last night when I laid her down at 8, because I drank way too much water before settling down for the night with her, and she never made a peep until 7am. That's right, she slept 11 hours last night by herself. She also put herself down for about 5 naps today too, and went down by herself tonight at 6. With Mason, I can remember him taking several days to get back on a schedule once he was sick. But "littles" has spoiled us tremendously. So I guess you have surmised that she is feeling better after the RSV spell. Still running a low fever with a nasty cough, but otherwise as happy as can be. She crashed on us on Wednesday, but after a "quick trip" to the ER she was doing better and has been showing more improvement each day.  It was nice to be able to cuddle with her this last week since she is quite the mover and shaker when she is healthy. Anyway, I'll post more pictures later. Hope everyone had a Merry Christmas! 

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