Hurricane Rita hit around 1am during the middle of the night. Mason was only 3 weeks old so I was up already. Thank goodness, because my parents lost all power and ability to monitor the fast approaching fury. Somehow, my mom's cell phone (Verizon wireless) maintained a complete signal the entire time. So I would call them or they would call me when it got a bit hairy, and I would check the radars and news channels to update them. One time when I was talking to my mom, I heard a very large, loud crashing sound. I asked my mom what that was and she very calmly said, "That's the big oak tree at the corner coming through the roof." Yikes!
When it was all said and done, there was a lot of damage. In about 1.5 acres of property, they lost 53 oak and pine trees. We later learned that tornados went through during the storm which caused some damage. Large trees were uprooted, snapped, and twisted landing on the house, the carport, fences, and the workshop where my parents started out during the storm. I was just looking at the pictures from before and after Hurricane Rita, so thought I would share them. Hopefully, there won't be anything significant to report this time tomorrow after Gustov.
Even after 3 years, it's still crazy to see the difference in the skyline above the trees. As I said 53 trees were lost. That changes everything. It is hard to find shade anywhere now, 3 years later.
Barn area before

Barn area after

carport before

carport after: yep, my dad's truck didn't fare well

horse stall before

horse stall after

oak tree in backyard uprooted

back of house after

Dad's workshop before

Dad's workshop after, which is where they started out, but later went in the house after the big tree crashed through the roof

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