Sunday, September 14, 2008


I ABSOLUTELY DID NOT teach my potty training son to empty the little potty when he's done so that I don't have to...

I DID NOT wear my workout clothes all day with the best of intentions to actually work out, only to go to the store and buy the makings for cupcakes instead...

I ABSOLUTELY DID NOT use bonding time with my son as an excuse to make said cupcakes...

I DID NOT pick my sound asleep daughter up out of her crib only to take a nap with her in the recliner...

I ABSOLUTELY DID NOT turn the baby monitor off when my daughter started crying at 2am only to wake up 30 minutes later to find that see was then sound asleep...

I DID NOT steal this idea from another blog...

I ABSOLUTELY DID NOT partake in a 30 minute nap on the very cushy couch in the darkened nursing mother's room with Reese at church today while listening to the pastor give his message...

What did you not do today?

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